research experience

Disaster Engineering

Pilot Earthquake Early Warning

 Kathmandu, Nepal

Co-Principle Investigator

Duke University Bass Connections Lead

Learn more about the project here.

See additional press here.

Environmental Engineering

Surface Water Quality & Population Density 

Kunshan, Jiangsu, China

Traveled to Kunshan, Jiangsu, China in order to understand coliform (specifically E.Coli and K. Pneumoniae) and nitrate concentration in surface waters in tributaries in the Kunshan-Suzhou region of the Jiangsu Province as a function of population density. I used satellite imaging and image analysis using MATLAB to gather population data at the surface water sites that will be tested over a 10-day period in March 2019. Ultimately, created coliform and nitrate concentration gradients that were compared to population types (urban, residential, rural) in order to gain a better understanding of relative surface water quality as it relates to relative population density.

Airpump Testing 

Kunshan, Jiangsu, China

Traveled to Kunshan, Jiangsu, China in order to understand fidelity of low-cost airpumps in there ability to detect air quality in Kushan, Jiangsu, China. March 2018. 

Gravity Pipe Network Design

Manentinina, Madagascar

Traveled to Manantenina, Madagascar in partnership with the Duke Lemur Center. While in Madagascar, I revised old designs for existing water resources, and assisted in developing WASH infrastructure in the SAVA region (namely in the village of Manantenina). I worked directly with village members from Manantenina, Madagascar and surrounding villages (Maroambihy and Ambohiminarina) on designing sustainable WASH infrastructure that would simultaneously empower women in the village through increased awareness of water and sanitation hygiene. Due to my familiarity with the design of the gravity pipe network itself, I worked directly with contractors from the region (Andapa – Sambava) on developing a design that fit the available resources and accepted construction practices in the region.